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About the Edition

The forthcoming six-volume Oxford Edition of the Collected Works of Edmund Spenser is being prepared for Oxford University Press; the Spenser Archive is the on-line complement to this print edition.

  • Volume 1
    • A Theatre for Voluptuous Worldlings (1569), edited by Joseph Loewenstein
    • The Shepheardes Calender (1579), edited by Patrick Cheney
    • The Spenser-Harvey Letters (1580), edited by Joseph Loewenstein
  • Volume 2
    • The First Part of The Faerie Queene (1590), edited by David Lee Miller
  • Volume 3
    • Complaints (1591), edited by Joseph Loewenstein
    • Daphnaida (1591), edited by Patrick Cheney
    • Axiochus (1592), edited by Gordon Braden
    • Colin Clouts Come Home Againe (1595), edited by Patrick Cheney
    • Amoretti and Epithalamion (1595), edited by David Lee Miller
  • Volume 4
    • The Second Part of The Faerie Queene (1596), edited by Joseph Loewenstein
  • Volume 5
    • Fowre Hymnes (1596), edited by David Lee Miller
    • Prothalamion (1596), edited by Patrick Cheney
    • Two Cantos of Mutabilitie (1609), edited by Joseph Loewenstein
    • Miscellaneous Poems, edited by David Lee Miller
    • ‘Spenser’s Language,’ by Andrew Zurcher
    • ‘Spenser’s Life,’ by Andrew Zurcher
  • Volume 6
    • A View of the Present State of Ireland (1633), edited by Elizabeth Fowler
    • Secretarial Correspondence, edited by Andrew Zurcher